Sunday, 24 April 2016

(24 April 2016)

Pastor Joseph Prince (4th service on 1st service playback)

(There was quite a bit of side-track / "free stuff" especially at the beginning which I have omitted. Most of it was a recap of the past weeks' sermons. Eg. about the supernatural light, about parents' authority over children, about husbands not leaving your wives & children in 'Egypt'.)

Sermon proper
Secrets to family well being

Gen 18:1-33
The Lord came to visit Abraham

What was Abraham doing? Sitting ... in the heat of the day
Heat of the day = troubles, pressures etc
Don't run around, sit down in the heat of the day and wait for the Lord. Trust in Him.
Even youths will faint, be weary & fall, but those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength (Isaiah 40:30)

Mamre (= fatness) is in Hebron (= fellowship) = fatness of fellowship
Hebron is the mountain where Caleb said, "give me this mountain" = fellowship mountain
Satan always wants you to fellowship with friends, TV, K-drama / romantic fake world etc bos all of that are useless. Only fellowship with Jesus is real and with Him all things are possible
Satan doesn't want you to have all things possible

Gen 19:1
In contrast, Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom
Elders sit at the gates, which means that Lot was a distinguished man in the world that was going to destruction
(Next week's sermon?)

V2 He lifted his eyes and looked = a special kind of look

3 people = 2 angles and 1 is Jesus pre-incarnate, before coming as a man
These angels later went to Sodom
How do we know it's Jesus? Bcos Abraham called Him "my Lord" = Adonai, used only for the Lord Jesus
Not "my lord" = adon, used for horizontal relationships between men

When he saw them he ran & bowed himself to the ground = worship (first time worship is mentioned)

What happens to those who see Jesus? They shall run and not be weary (Isaiah 40:31)
Example 1: Abraham ran. He was 99+ by this time
Example 2: Emmaus road couple walked 7x2 miles (= 22km) journey (Luke 24:13-32)

Just bcos you are old doesn't mean you are frail or weak. We advance in age, yes, but we stay strong.

V10 certainly return = shub = restoration = certainly restore

V12 shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also
Sarah is 89+ at this time
She said, "shall I have pleasure", not "shall I have a child?". Ie she was focused on pleasure, not child.
It is in pleasure with the Lord that a miracle is birthed
Don't make having a child an idol. Focus on our Lord. The result/child is the promise

V12 laughed within herself
Sarah had a genuine respect for her husband to call him "my lord". She wasn't saying it for the benefit of Abraham's ears
And later, her youth was renewed so much that 2 kings wanted her. God beautified her. That's the secret

1 Peter 3:4-6 (NLT)

V3 adorning shouldn't be in outward things
U can do it, but don't trust in it
Adorn = make themselves beautiful

V4 a gentle and quiet spirit is very precious in the sight of God
Quiet doesn't mean never talk, but talking from a quiet & cool spirit

V5 trusted in God, not trusted in husband to fulfil
Ie. believe that God can and will show your husband
Ie. believe you won't be abused or taken advantage of
We can trust God bcos He is above our husband

Sarah's secret on how to beautify selves:
  1. Trust God
  2. Accept authority of husband
V6 not afraid with any terror
Ie. No fearful that husband will take advantage / terrorise them

Differences in roles doesn't mean inequality

Wrt family life, man/husband is the one God holds accountable
Man, not saying anything is still a decision
Letting wife make a decision, is also considered a decision, and whatever the outcome, you are still responsible for it
Adam exercised leadership even when he didn't speak up at the garden
Keeping quiet and abdicating from making a decision is still considered a choice / decision made

Woman, there is a time to speak up. Not that wife cannot speak up, but ultimately man is the head.
Does it mean wife must always gives in? No. If there is good reason, bring it up.
Example: Sarah told Abraham to cast out the bond woman and Galatians quoted her and said what Sarah said is Scripture (Gal 4:30)

Fruit that we want is the respect of our wife
This comes naturally when your wife sees that you have a genuine relationship with the Lord

Gen 18:17-19
Many people read this as, if family is in order / no trouble, only then God brings to pass the promise of Abraham being a great nation with descendents like stars and sand
But no, read carefully

I have known him = past tense = loved, chosen
In order that = future tense
Ie. I have chosen you, not bcos you already have your family in order, but it is because I have chosen you that your family will be in order

Also, V19 says "children", but at this time Abraham only had one child (Ishmael). Isaac wasn't born yet. Which is why we know V19 is talking about the future.

Parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)
Father = God the Father
Son that left the house = Gentiles
Son that stayed but selfrighteous = Jews

Success rate of the father = 0% <-- Even though the father (who typifies God the Father) was a good father!
Not 50%, bcos 1 was rebellious and 1 stayed but with no heart
This is especially to encourage families where you're a good father. Don't be condemned!

When a rebellious child comes home, they have an empty space that wasn't there previously and which grace couldn't have filled previously bcos there was no space. But now, because of Grace, they will outrun the case of if they had never left.

So parents, just wait a while, some pig pen experiences are good

V17 shall I hide from Abraham what I'm doing?
It's concerning the Sodom issue
Sodom was very near to where Abraham was. Like in his backyard.
Yet Abraham could still live in the fatness of fellowship with God and all of God's blessings could still be upon Abraham
Similarly for us in this generation now where darkness in the world is so close to us too, like in our backyard, but our fellowship with God is unhindered

Me: Abraham was not participating in the practices of Sodom even though it was nearby
Recap there are consequences to actions

Only on the day Lot left Sodom, then God reigned fire on it (Gen 19:22-24)

There are consequences in this world, but it's not tribulation

To be continued next week...