Pastor Lian (2nd service live)
It may seem like there's a lack of manifestation of blessing in your life. But in eternity, Abba has already blessed you. So give because you already have, not because you're trying to get. - Pastor Lawrence
Sermon proper
1) He does big things
Eph 3:20
The spirit that God carries is one that's big! That's His style of doing & giving things.
E.g. God created our minds to be able to process way more thoughts than we'll ever need.
E.g. God created a Sun that emits way more energy than we need. A lot is wasted/lost in space.
E.g. God multiplied the 5 loaves & 2 fish to 12 baskets full left over.
Me: It would already have been a miracle & it would already have been enough to have multiplied the 5 loaves & 2 fish to be exactly enough to feed everyone. Nobody would go home hungry and that's enough. But He multiplied to have left-overs! That's my Jesus!
Whatever you have, even if it isn't much, if you put them in Jesus' hands, wow!
The tendency is to think, "What can I do in the face of this problem? I have so little"
But the truth is that we have a God that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we can ask or think.
1 Cor 1:26-29
If you think, "I'm not much in & of myself.", then yay! In Christ, He can do much in & through you
Allow Jesus to come into your situation so that one day you can say "I encountered Jesus."
Long ago, there was a prophecy that Singapore would be the Antioch of Asia
Antioch = place from where Paul & Barnabas sent missionaries to spread the gospel of grace
Now we see, from Singapore, the gospel of grace is being sent out! And we're at the epicentre!
Eph 3:20
Now unto Him who is able to do ...
Don't forget Jesus. It is not us who are able to do
John 2
When the couple ran out of wine, Mary pointed to Jesus
Whatever He says to do, do it
Don't insult God by asking for small things. Be bold and ask God for big things! Compliment Him!
He is able to do both small and big things.
Compliment Him and have a positive confident expectation of good from a good Saviour.
You will see the manifestation of big things from a big God.
Testimony 2: new water
I cannot do anything = wrong
I cannot do anything in & of myself
I can do all things = wrong
I can do all things in Christ (Phil 4:13)
Only Jesus can. It's not by declaring on your own. There's no power in saying/shouting "I can do all things!" But there is power in saying "I can do all things in Christ". It's by Jesus' name.
We hear the grace message, but sometimes we still go through unbearable situations. What should our response be?
Singapore's 50th national day today. 50 = jubilee
Lev 25:8-10
What happens in the year of jubilee? Proclamation for our liberty happens
We are freed from every debt & lack. & all our possessions are restored to us. We are returned to our family.
E.g. If you sold your property for money previously, in jubilee year, your property is returned to you.
E.g. If you sold yourself as slave for money previously, in jubilee year, you are free to return to your family.
Luke 4:18-19
Jesus' coming was a declaration that jubilee had come. He is our jubilee.
Right now is our jubilee. We do not need to wait for 50 years.
How does jubilee happen? It starts by a proclamation.
So why is our jubilee not happening? Because in the 7th year you're supposed to rest in Christ.
Rest & trust in what Jesus has done
Rest until restoration happens in your life
Keep resting in all that Jesus has already paid for us to have
Why can restoration take place? Because Someone (Jesus) already paid for the restoration. So we can expect it!
Don't allow oppression & depression to come upon u. Jesus is your jubilee!
I believe Lord, your death is my blessing. I receive it.
Trumpet = blow lamb's horn (shofar) = proclamation of death of lamb = Jesus the lamb of God.
His death is for my body to be healthy & forever forgiven & righteous
What should you do if you don't see an immediate restoration? Rest.
How do we rest? 1 Cor 11:26
By partaking of the Holy Communion and releasing faith in what Jesus has done (not going to do) for us.
Partaking of the Holy Communion is another proclamation of the Lord's death / proclamation of our jubilee. Like blowing the ram's horn.
PS: Happy National Day! I love my Jesus for placing me here in Singapore! ♥