Sunday, 19 July 2015

(19 July 2015)

Pastor Joseph Prince (2nd service live)

Jesus carried our sins so we can carry His righteousness
Having done no sin, became our sin & He became the object of judgement
Having done no righteous thing, we became His righteousness & we come the object of favour

God is just but He delights in showing mercy

Holy = set apart unto God
Holiest = Israel --> Jerusalem --> Temple Mount --> Holy of holies --> mercy seat = the Holiest thing to God at the centre of His heart

Advice for leaders = to love mercy & do justice (Micah 6:8)
Hands = execute justice
Heart = love mercy

God will defend His people
Eg. Ananias & Sapphira, cheating the church & dropping dead. They were not believers
Eg. Shepherd will hit the wolf for attacking the sheep. Do u feel sorry for the wolf after that?

God hates sin but God loves the sinner
How much you hate cancer is how much you love the person

God wants to bless us even more than we want to be blessed

It is our Father's good pleasure to bless His people (Luke 12:32)
Person willing to receive = faith
Faith is the right response and allows God to bless you
Believe in a God that wants to bless you, not a God that wants to be persuaded before blessing you
You can never love God the way He loves you

Faith = I know God wants to heal
Pray = alignment with God's heart

A life lived for God & with the abundant blessing / zoe life is a testimony in itself

Sermon proper
Coming against the heresy of lordship salvation

What is lordship salvation? In order to be saved, you have to first ...
a) turn from your sins / repent of your sins and then you'll be saved.
b) turn from your sins / repent of you sins & receive Jesus Christ and then you'll be saved.

Both are incorrect because they presuppose on our own ability/strength to turn from our sins on our own first before being saved. b) just includes "receive Jesus Christ" to sound more spiritual but still presumes on our self effort to turn from sins.

No one can turn away from our sins on our own no matter how hard we try.
If we had the power to stop doing sin, then there was no need for Jesus to come. 

Same as work salvation = salvation where there is no need of / no need to receive Jesus' finished work on the cross 

World definition of repentance = feeling sorrowful / remorseful / guilty of sin committed. But this is NOT Bible repentance
Bible definition of repentance = metanoia = change your mind
I.e. When you believe in Jesus = repentance of unbelief = changing your mind from disbelief to belief in Jesus

God is the only one who doesn't throw away defiled / useless things. Beyond that, He loves the defiled / useless things.

No love is like the Father's love. Totally unselfish.

Mark 1:14-15
V15 Repent / change your mind about what? 
About believing the gospel / that Jesus is the Messiah

Acts 20:20-21
The original gospel of Paul; so important that it was done publicly and from house to house
First area of repentance = repentance toward God
Eg. From thinking "God is out to find fault with me" to "God is out to bless me!"

The phrase repent of sin isn't found in the NT
The idea is there, and yes we believe in repentance of sin but this is for believers AFTER being saved. It's not FOR salvation / IN ORDER to be saved.
Eg. You don't become a better man to become saved. You become saved in order to become a better man.
Eg. You don't clean yourself before taking a bath. You take a bath in order to become clean.

It's easy and free on our part to become saved, but it wasn't cheap for Jesus. He paid dearly. 
The flesh wants to say "It wasn't easy for me to be saved, Lord! I did something, I gave up ____. You should be glad to have me!"

i. Jairus daughter who just died
ii. Widow's son who was dead slightly longer
iii. Lazareth who was dead for 4 days
Jesus raised all 3 from the dead no matter how dead they were. No one was more dead than the other.

There is no degree of deadness. Same as sin. There is no degree of what is more sinful.
Whether we're a prostitute, a banker etc, all of us are equally spiritually dead.

Why is lordship salvation dangerous?
Because it presupposes on man's strength to be able to turn from sins on our own. And because no man can do that, it becomes an obstacle between man and God.

Feeling sorry, conscious striken etc is not changing of mind
Changing of mind may involve sorrow or even joy (eg. when you're happy to change your mind), but feeling sorry isn't an indicator that repentance / changing of mind has taken place

Repentance is mentioned 46 times in OT:
9 times = man changing mind
37 times = God changing His mind

Exodus 32:14 (KJV, NLT)
If repentance is about sin, then does that mean that God is repenting about His sin here? No! God has no sin.
God repented / changed His mind about the people because of Moses.
God is a God waiting to be entreated

Eg. He knew Abraham would ask Him not to punish Sodom that's why He went to find Abraham and for Abraham's prayer of 10 righteous He would not burn down Sodom.

Repent = teshuva = turn to hei = turn to grace (see picture)

repent = teshuva = turn to hei / grace
How do you see Jesus?

Luke 14
Jesus as miracle worker, a teacher, a celebrity. But Jesus was not at home amongst them.
You can learn from Jesus as a role model but still depend on yourself.

Luke 15
Jesus as saviour. And Jesus was most at home amongst them.
Why? Because in order to see Jesus as Saviour, it means you first see yourself as a sinner needing saving.
Jesus came to be used, not admired.
Jesus is a much better Saviour than I am a sinner.

Recap story of lost sheep (Luke 15:5-7)
V7 subject of parable is about repentance. But how did the sheep repent? 
Entire parable is about the good Shepherd who looked, found, rejoiced (active)
What did the sheep do? It didn't do anything except consented to be found, to be carried / rest on shoulder, to be rejoiced over (passive)
Repentance = consenting to be loved

Lost sheep 1/100 = if you're just 1 of many, the world will usually cut losses lest they lose more. But to Jesus, every single one is precious & unique even if there are many more similar ones around

Recap story of lost son (Luke 15:16-20)

V17 son was thinking about food, he didn't miss his father. He missed the food provided by his father
Motive for going home was to be like hired servants who have food. He wasn't going home to become a son 

V20 great way off = father was looking for him
V18,19 (practised speech) vs V21 (actual speech) father didn't allow him to finish his confession.
Ring = credit card
Shoes = worthy to stand before me

Many times, we accept God for the wrong reasons (e.g. out of fear, for 'insurance' in case He's real). We may have come for the wrong reasons, but whatever our reason for coming to Him, He will run to us.

Is repentance about feeling sorrowful?

Matt 27:3-5
Judas was remorseful, even repaid the 30 pieces of silver (i.e. restitution / action) and went to hang himself
But is this Bible repentance? No. Even though he was remorseful, made restitution and even tried to pay for his mistakes on his own with with his life, there's no mention of the word reptenance anywhere here.

Hanging self is pride because he wanted to pay for himself rather than let Jesus pay the price for him. 
Even if we want to bring something to Jesus, what do we have that's valuable to give Him? He's the one who fills our hands with everything for us to bring to Him again later. We have nothing of our own.
If you want to bring anything to Jesus, bring your sins. He loves that!

If repentance is about feeling sorrowful, and if salvation is about repentance (=feeling sorrowful), then Judas should be saved here but he wasn't. 

V4 when devil has no use for you, he drops you.
The devil hates  you, God loves you
Whatever a person gives the devil, he may get fame for a while but later he drops him & he'll be worse than before. (E.g. Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler)

Whatever you give God, he multiplies it
E.g. Peter's boat - Peter toiled all night and caught nothing, but the moment he lent his boat to Jesus, after that all the fish were attracted to it. (Luke 5)
Give your brain, time, money etc to God. He's a debtor to no man.
Give so you're in a posture to receive more

Must we repent of sin first in order to be saved? (ie. lordship salvation)

Eg. Acts 10:43-44 "whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins"
This is the first time that gentiles are preached to and "repent" is not used by Peter here. 

Eg. Acts 11:2-4, 15-18
V18 what they saw was "repentance to life" although Peter never said anything about repentance

Eg. Romans 10:9 "… that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

Eg. John 20:31 "believing you may have life in His name"
Not "believing and repenting"

Eg. John 3:16 "whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life"
Not "whoever believes and repents"

John = to reach out to non believers
In the entire gospel of John, it's all about believing never mentions repenting at all
You cannot believe without repenting

If repentance of sin is needed first in order to be saved (i.e. lordship salvation), then surely it must have been emphasised in the speeches made by Peter and John. But all of them only talk about believing. 

Do not confuse root vs fruit
Root = saved by believing in the Lord
Fruit = repentance
When root is right, fruits will follow naturally

Many of us want Jesus to be the centre of our lives / to be Lord over every part of our lives. But is He really? No, it's still a process. 

Must we repent of our sin AND make restitution / action in order to be saved?

Then how can the thief at the cross pay? He's stuck at the cross about to die.
But Jesus said "today you shall be with Me in paradise." (Luke 23:43)
It's easy to be saved! Doesn't mean it's cheap. Jesus paid heavily for us.

How about "narrow is the way and few find it" (Matt 7:14)?
That's present tense for the time when Jesus walked the earth. Not for today.

Multitude that no man can number in heaven (Rev 7:9)
Doesn't say multitude in hell, although yes there is hell

It's easy to be saved but it's not universal salvation either. Have to believe first.

How about on the day of Pentecost and Peter said "repent" (Acts 2:38)? 
That's because those there are primarily believers and Peter is talking to them.

  • Yes, we believe in repentance of sin but that's for believers AFTER being saved. It's not FOR salvation / IN ORDER to be saved.
  • For salvation, just believe! You will naturally repent after that.
  • Repentance is not about a feeling or action, but about changing your mind about a wrong belief and consenting/allowing yourself to be loved by Christ.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

(12 July 2015)

Pastor Joseph Prince (2nd service on 1st service playback)

Luke 15
Lost sheep, coin, son
Common theme = joy of the finder
Shepherd = Jesus
Woman = Holy Spirit
Father = Abba

If we ask Jesus, why would He bless us or want to be involved in our lives? His answer will be that it's because it gives Him great joy.

V1 "*then* the sinners drew near to hear Him"
Context = prior chapter (Luke 14) is about Jesus entering into the world of hypocrisy (house of Pharisees)

Recap 21 June 2015 sermon
1 Thess 5:8-9
U can be awake but not sober
U can be there physically but not present with loved ones

Hope = elpis = confident positive certain expectation of good in our future because of our salvation in Christ
Salvation = solo = saving not just from hell but from everything evil on earth

Even when things aren't going well, we're going through a valley and God is with us & we will come out on the other side. We're just passing through!

Helmet = hope of salvation = We protect our head / thoughts (helmet) by having a confident expectation of good from God (hope)
E.g. If a bad thought comes, we can say nope, that will not happen, good things will happen in my future because of Jesus

It doesn't mean Christians don't go through trials. Trials of life happen to everybody but there are some that you don't have to go through but for the ministry that you're in. These trials are for the furtherance of the gospel
Eg. Paul in jail & the Roman soldier gets saved in the process etc

Sermon proper
The biggest problem of hope
We have heard so much teaching about "what u sow, u reap". How can we have hope when we're concerned that the seeds we sowed previously will come to pass? Is there an evil harvest waiting for us?

Eg. Haman erected gallows & he himself died on it in the end (Esther 7)
Eg. David sowed adultery in secret & later his sons did it openly (2 Samuel)
Eg. Hitler forced Jews into hiding & later went into hiding himself in his last days
Eg. General Titus burnt temple & later volcano destroyed Pompeii entirely
E.g. Hosea 8:7

Conclusion seems to be that yes, what u sow is what u reap
And the endings (whirlwind) were even worse than what they sowed (wind)

But notice that all these examples are OT stories and stories of the world 
For us in Christ, Jesus on the cross changed all this for us - we reap the good things Jesus sowed on the cross & u never reap the same amount sowed, the harvest is always greater

Consequences of sin/actions and reaping a harvest are two different things. If we do not distinguish the two, it will cause us to have a fearful expectation of evil in the future. This is contrary to hope.

Eg. Smoking and resulting in lung disease
Eg. Being mean to people and having no friends
Eg. Visiting a prostitute and contracting an illness / fear of contracting an illness

These are all consequences, not about sowing & reaping

Consequences = faced almost immediately
Reaping = u don't know when it'll come

NT stories of sowing & reaping appear in only 2 applications

(1) Money / Finances
2 Cor 9:6-8

(2) Word of God
Mark 4:13-14

(3) Brand new body during second coming
1 Cor 15:42-44

John 5:14
About the man who was lame but now healed when Jesus said "rise, take up your bed and walk"
V14 Jesus later said to the same man (after he was healed) "sin no more, lest a worse thing happen to u" = talking about consequences of sin
Sin = verb/action = don't do a certain sin again because u've been made well already
Eg. U've been healed of lunch disease, don't go back to smoking

Btw, smoking is a sin. Why do you want to allow your body, which has been redeemed and paid for by perfect blood, to be addicted & under the control of something?

There are consequences to sin. There are consequences on earth.
The earth rebels / groans in response to man not manifesting as sons of God (Romans 8)

How about Gal 6:7?

Background of Galatians = trying to be perfected by the law
Paul never calls them holy or saints. Even Corinthians who were so carnal, yet Paul encouraged them in grace in his letters to them. In Gal 1, Paul starts by pronouncing curse on them if they preach law. They are deceived.

(Self note: I didn't quite catch this part, will have to re-listen when the CD is out next week)

Context of V7 = V6, 9,10 all about giving

Sows to his flesh = stingy
Sowed in own strength = led to golden calf

V7 sows to spirit will reap everlasting life
But isn't everlasting life a gift, that cannot be bought?

1 Tim 6:17-19
V19 lay hold on eternal life
Eternal life = ionos zoe = everlasting life
Does tt mean when u give richly u get eternal life?
No! Eternal life is a gift from God, not works of our generosity

E.g. When you bless someone in secret when u know he's in need. How do u feel? That's laying hold of eternal life. Like, known giving is level 1, and level 2 is giving without being known.

Reap from where? From within. U experience eternal life in ur emotions

V10 It doesn't mean we don't bless non believers but "especially" means prioritising believers

1 Peter 1:23
Seed can be corrupted
Corruptible = adjective
Grace = word of God now = present truth

John 4:36-39
V37 One sows (Jesus), another reaps (me)
When Jesus died on the cross, He let us reap what He sowed & He reaped what we sowed
For us, the whirlwind is not coming because it already came at the cross upon Jesus.
There is no evil harvest in our future.
He was wounded for our transgression (our wrong sowing)

Referring to the word of God sown
V36 those who sow reap wages = God can raise someone to bless u
V38 others have laboured = prophets of past

Job 4:7-8
Job had 3 comforters
Zophar = legalistic pov
Bildad = tradition pov
Eliphaz = experience / seen pov  - Ie. U sowed trouble somewhere that's why u're reaping it now; sin consciousness

Man born blind, whose sin was it? (John 9)
"Neither, but that the works of God should be revealed"
Let's not ask how it came about. It doesn't matter, God is here to make it right.

Incorrect concept of sowing & reaping can condemn people
Like Jesus, let's not care what others/self did in the past
Because of Jesus, we will have crop failure of the corruptible crop and a bumper harvest for incorruptible crop from Christ

Ps 126
V5 sow in tears, reap in joy
Why? Because of V1-2, Jesus becoming a captive to set us free

Sermon on Mount
Matt 5 & Luke 6:20-21
Poor, hunger, weep now
But richness in kingdom of God, filled, laugh in future

Blessed if you're poor/hungry/sad now
Why? Because He has come and you shall be liberated!

Holy life is not produced by fear but by a revelation of the love of Christ

Jer 31:27-31
V29 they will say no more 
V30 ur children will not reap
I.e. no more generational curses

But there are consequences
E.g. If children see parents smoking, they'll likely follow

Also, in the world for the unbeliever, sow & reap applies to both both good & bad things
For believers, sow & reap applies only to good (i.e. finances & word of God) and only according to how much u sow

V31 when will this sowing & reaping of bad stop? When there's a new covenant.
What's this new covenant? Where Jesus is merciful to our unrighteousness (Heb 8)

John 19:28-30
V29 sour wine = extreme of sour grapes = extreme sin
V30 finished = no more children reaping what parents sowed = no more generational curse
Fulfilment of Jer 31

Earlier, Jesus was offered myrrh with vinegar but He refused bcos that's a painkiller

He wanted to bear all the full consequences of sin for us

Sunday, 5 July 2015

(5 July 2015)

Pastor Joseph Prince
(Live at Sydney Hillsongs Conference (30th June 2015))
(Also playback on 5 July 2015 in church)

Repentance (change of mind) is toward God first
Repentance towards man is a byproduct after

Jesus puts the grace in us, and then blesses us when we use the grace He first gave us!

The righteous will live by faith (Heb 10:38) = right believeing, not right preaching
Don't condemn people for not having faith or not confessing right etc. That turns faith into a work

Romans 1:16-17
Salvation = soteria = saved in the here and now, all encompassing
sozo = includes healing

We get the good we don't deserve because Someone (Jesus) took the bad He didn't deserve

We cannot sin away our righteousness, because then what Adam did is greater than what Jesus did

Don't condemn others who are preaching the law. That's not what grace does.

How much God hates sin is how much God loves you
E.g. We hate cancer, but we love the person
Judge the devil, separate the two 

Is God merciful in making us righteous?
No! God is righteous in making us righteous
God is merciful in sending His Son

Romans 5:19
We are sinners because of Adam's sin
We are righteous because of Jesus' obedience

When sinners do good, does it make them righteous? No.
When righteous do bad, does it make them sinners? No.

Both being sinners before we were saved and being righteous now have nothing to do with us / our actions etc

Obedience of faith = right believing

If we can/have the power to stop the wrong and just do the right, then Jesus doesn't have to come save us

How then? In the midst of ur drinking, confess "I am the righteousness of God IN Christ"
devil will say, "how can that be?!", "No, you're not! You're a hypocrite"
But faith = I believe, therefore I speak

1 John 4:17
As He is, so are we in this world
God defines us according to Jesus
devil defines us according to our actions

People are transformed by beholding, not by trying (2 Cor 3:18)
How do we behold? By singing unto Jesus, and by the spirit of the Lord

Gal 1:6-9
Grace of Christ is the gospel. Not the other / different gospel.

Acts 13:38-45
This is the only sermon of Paul that is recorded word for word
The final summary of the sermon is this
V39 Justified = made righteous from all things which couldn't have been made righteous by law

V40 quoting Habakkuk
V41 they found fault with Paul's sermon

Don't give up the grace message just because somebody failed.
Law churches also have people who fail. Don't let devil trick u.

But first, you have to believe in Jesus. It's not universal salvation.

Gal 1:6-9
V8 This is the NT curse = curse for those who pervert the gospel of Christ
V9 repeated = double curse
Why did Jesus put a curse? Because Jesus loves the people so much. This perverted gospel of law prevents His people from receiving from Him

We have been redeemed from OT curses in Jesus

Law demands, grace supplies. That's the essence.
Be grace / supply minded.

devil likes to use the pronoun "I" instead of "you" and make you think it's really you
E.g. "I am a failure"
What do u do? Don't look to self!
Say, "no, that's not me. As Jesus is, so am I in this world"

Romans 5:17
Receive = present active participle
How do we reign in life? By the conscious and active receiving of the abundance of grace & gift (not reward) of righteousness

2 Cor 5:21
In Him was no sin, He knew no sin.

How do we honour Him? By receiving His righteousness & reigning in life effortlessly through His finished work